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Table 5 Sensitivity analysis of known-groups validity results

From: Longitudinal construct validity of the minimum data set health status index


Regression estimates (β) of Mean Change in MDS-HSI

Study population

6 to 12 month follow-up window

Male only

Female only

n = 25,182

n = 14,676

n = 8670

n = 16,512

Health domain index

 ADL Hierarchy (Function)



− 0.057


 IADL Difficulty (Function)



− 0.045


 CPS (Cognition)



− 0.068


 CHESS (Health Stability)



− 0.050


 DRS (two steps) (Mood)



− 0.072


 Pain Scale



− 0.086


 Communication Scale



− 0.038





− 0.024


− 0.025



− 0.061


− 0.058



− 0.039


− 0.039



− 0.026


− 0.030



− 0.028


− 0.030



− 0.081


− 0.078



− 0.083


− 0.081



− 0.013*

− 0.008*

− 0.020

 Poor self-reported health


− 0.061


− 0.064

 Flare-up of chronic condition


− 0.060


− 0.060

 Disrupting Pain


− 0.139


− 0.142

 Weight Loss


− 0.058


− 0.060

 One or fewer meals per day


− 0.071


− 0.078

 Insufficient fluid intake


− 0.083


− 0.081

 Declining food/liquid consumption


− 0.105


− 0.110

  1. * p > 0.05
  2. All other parameter estimates were statistically significant at α = 0.05