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Table 2 Item characteristics and internal consistency reliabilities for the MFI-20 subscales and total fatigue score in patients with chronic critical illness three months (t2) following the transfer from ICU at acute care hospital (n = 113)

From: Fatigue in chronically critically ill patients following intensive care - reliability and validity of the multidimensional fatigue inventory (MFI-20)


Internal consistency and reliability

Mean (Median)

SD (Q1-Q3)

Standardized Cronbach’s alphaa

Corrected-to-total correlationa

Inter-item correlationa


55.9 (55.0)

16.5 (43.5–67.0)



.35 (.02–.73)

MFI subscales

 General Fatigue (GF)

12.2 (12.0)

4.0 (9.0–15.0)



.36 (.24–.44)

 Physical Fatigue (PF)

13.4 (13.0)

3.7 (11.0–16.0)



.42 (.28–.59)

 Reduced Activity (RA)

12.6 (12.0)

4.6 (9.0–16.5)



.42 (.28–.59)

 Mental Fatigue (MF)

8.7 (8.0)

4.5 (4.0–11.0)



.61 (.45–.73)

 Reduced Motivation (RM)

8.9 (9.0)

3.5 (6.0–11.0)



.20 (.06–.32)

  1. aN = 113 (sample at t2); Q1-Q3 = 1st-3rd quartile