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Table 2 Four Major Themes and their Sub-Themes

From: Informal caregivers experience of supplemental oxygen in pulmonary fibrosis

Themes and Sub-themes

Illustrative Quotations

Initial Reactions to O2

 Making PF real


 Worry and fear


“It isn’t a cure, because there is no cure, but it [O 2 ] is the next best thing.”

Effect of O2 on PLOs

 Adverse physical effects

 Beneficial physical effects

 Emotional effects


”It’s maintaining her and, uh, for that I’m grateful. And I saw a lot of confidence when I gave her the portable oxygen machine initially. She was super-excited about it; you could tell that she felt good. She felt confident.”

Life changes for ICs

 Impositions of O2

 Emotional response

 Role change

“Well, no -- because, um, you know, any time you have, um, anything to change it so drastically in your life like that, you know, everything changes. You, you, um, you can’t, um, you know, you have to, you have to work, work everything in your life around the oxygen. You, you, can’t, um, you know, you can’t just up and go. You can’t just, uh, um, you know, do -- there’s certain things you can’t do. You know. It’s just, it’s changed life a lot, but definitely not for the better.”

Adaptation and Acceptance

 Dealing with practical limitations

 Relationship changes

 Leaving home

 Tactics to achieve acceptance

“It didn’t take long for me to get to the point of, well, if it’s going to help you, let’s go for it, and let’s do whatever we need to do.”