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Table 1 Study population characteristics and timing of assessment

From: Post-traumatic stress disorder in parturients delivering by caesarean section and the implication of anaesthesia: a prospective cohort study


N (%) (N = 175)


  < 31 yr

49 (28.0)

  ≥ 31 yrs. and <35 yrs

61 (34.8)

  > 36 yrs

65 (37.2)


 Number of gestations


63 (36.0)


52 (29.7)

   ≥ 3

60 (34.3)

Number of childbirths


87 (49.7)


63 (36.0)

  ≥ 2

25 (14.3)

Weeks of gestation at delivery

  < 31 yr

53 (30.2)

  ≥ 31 yrs. and <35 yrs

44 (25.1)

  > 36 yr

76 (44.1)


2 (0.6)

Timing of Questionnaire Administration

 Anaesthesia information; Peritraumatic dissociation (PDEQ) ≤ 48 h

175 (100)

 PCLS; Standardized clinical interview based on the DSM-IV PTSD criteria ≤6 weeks

175 (100)

 CAPS (only when the PCLS or the clinical evaluation revealed the presence of PTSD symptoms) ≤ 6 weeks

171 (97.7)a

  1. a4 (1.4%) parturients refused or were unable to answer to the one-hour phone interview