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Table 2 Injury related data of the participants

From: The Norwegian version of the QOLIBRI – a study of metric properties based on a 12 month follow-up of persons with traumatic brain injury

Injury characteristics


GCS (n = 204) mean (SD)

9.3 (4.5)

Median (IQR)

8 (6–15)

AIS-head mean (SD) (n = 202)

3.4 (1.4)



MTBI (n = 78)

 <1 h

57 (73.1%)

 1 h–< 24 h

16 (20.5%)

 24 h–7 days

1 (1.3%)


4 (5.1%)

STBI (n = 126)

 <1 week

29 (23.0%)

 1–2 weeks

17 (13.5%)

 2–3 weeks

12 (9.5%)


12 (9.5%)

 >4 weeks

54 (42.9%)


2 (1.6%)

Injury mechanism (n = 204)

 - Traffic

88 (43.1)

 - Fall

74 (36.3)

 - Violence

19 (9.3)

 - Other

23 (11.3)

  1. GCS Glasgow Coma Scale, AIS Abbreviated Injury Scale, PTA Post-Traumatic Amnesia, MTBI Mild traumatic brain injury, STBI Severe traumatic brain injury
  2. Scores displayed as mean (SD), median (IQR) or n (%)