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Table 1 Criteria for considering eligibility of studies for inclusion in the review

From: Patient-reported outcome measures in patients with peripheral arterial disease: a systematic review of psychometric properties


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria


Defined population of English-speaking participants aged 18 years (adults) with PADa

Patients with rest pain; claudication; vascular spasms; ischaemic ulceration; amputation; necrosis or gangrene of the limb due to PAD

Undefined population or Non-English speaking adults with PAD

Patients with rest pain; claudication; vascular spasms; ischaemic ulceration; amputation; necrosis or gangrene of the limb due to any cause other than PAD


No intervention or any intervention indicated for PAD

Intervention, not intended for the management of PAD


Original version of PROMs in English including

• generic or preference-based measures e.g. EQ-5D, SF-6D, SF-36;

• directly elicited preference-based measures e.g. time-trade-off (TTO), standard gamble (SG) utility values; condition-specific outcome measures;

• functional outcome measures

Original version of PROMs in English including

• Outcome measures of patient satisfaction or experience

• Outcome measures obtained from proxies, carers or health providers

Non-English versions of PROMs

English translations of non-English PROMs

Study type

Validation studies of a relevant PROM addressing

• Validity;

• Reliability;

• Responsiveness or acceptability

Publication in English

Studies of linguistic validation of PROMs

Review articles, letters, commentaries, abstracts

Non-English publications

Unpublished studies

  1. Abbreviations: EQ-5D EuroQoL-5D, PAD peripheral arterial disease, PROM patient-reported outcome measure, SF-6D 6-item shortened version of SF-36, SF-36 Medical Outcomes Study 36-item short form health survey, SG standard gamble, TTO time trade-off
  2. aOther descriptions considered included peripheral vascular disease; peripheral obliterative arteriopathy; peripheral arterial occlusive disease