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Table 2 Synthesised finding

From: Perceptions and experiences of patients living with implantable cardioverter defibrillators: a systematic review and meta-synthesis

Synthesised finding



(Themes captured in the qualitative & quantitative study)

Living the ICD Experience:

A Constant Process of Redefining Oneself

Describing ICD Shocks

Qualitative Study

Phantom shock as a somatic experience

Experiences related to ICD shocks

Powerfulness of ICD discharge

A cautious transition to a new normal – Physiological and psychosocial

Reconstructing the unpredictability of living with an ICD – Losing control (Uncertainty associated with the of the device)

Experiencing Uncertainty & Psychological Distress

Qualitative Study

Emotional impact of phantom shock

Living on the edge: I do not want it to go off

Appreciation versus apprehension

Emotional influence of driving restrictions – Loss of independence

Emotional changes

A cautious transition to a new normal – Initial diagnosis: Anxiety and concern & physiological and psychosocial

Reconstructing the unpredictability of living with an ICD – Losing control (Uncertainty associated with the triggering of the device)

Living with an ICD is living while… continual uncertainty and waiting

Bewilderment stemming from arrhythmia and ICD implant – Uncertainty about one’s own body & fear of arrhythmia ending my life

Anxiety & apprehension – Fear of ICD firing with sexual activity

Emotional consequences – Vulnerable/uncertain, anxiety, depression

Quantitative Study

PTSD, anxiety, depression, social desirability [37]

QOL mental health score, mood states [45]

QOL, mood states, ICD concerns for shock versus non-shock [16]

QOL mental component, shock anxiety, and ICD acceptance [13]

QOL, anxiety for men versus women [33]

QOL, uncertainty [26]

QOL, ICD concerns [39]

QOL, anxiety, depression [46]

QOL mental health subscale, anxiety, depression for men versus women [39]

QOL, anxiety, body image [35]

Depression, anxiety for shock versus non-shock [24]

Shock anxiety, death anxiety, body image for young versus old women [25]

QOL, depression, anxiety, impacts of ICD [36]

Anxiety, somatosensory amplification for men versus women [40]

Impacting Self-Identity, Self-Image & Self-Perception

Qualitative Study

A constant reminder: I know it’s there

Seeking advice, making decisions

Emotional influence of driving restrictions – Loss of independence & changed self-image

Emotional changes

A cautious transition to a new normal – Initial diagnosis: Anxiety and concern & physiological and psychosocial

Bewilderment stemming from arrhythmia and ICD implant – Dissatisfaction with unforeseen results of ICD

Needing Support & Maintaining Relationships

Qualitative Study

Empowerment – Receiving emotional and tangible layman support & informational and tangible professional support

Isolation and vulnerability

Being abandoned and still grieving

Altered views on driving – Importance of network

Experiences related to social life

Familial relationships

Reconstructing the unpredictability of living with an ICD – Losing control

(Influence on the relationship with one’s partner)

Reconstructing the unpredictability of living with an ICD – Lacking support

(Lack of continuity and appropriate support from healthcare professionals)

Reconstructing the unpredictability of living with an ICD – Seeking support

(Managing emotions & seeking guidance about physical activity)

Living with an ICD is living whilst… rethinking their relationship with their partner and becoming emotionally more distant

Living with an ICD is living while… giving up some of their independence

Living with someone

Anxiety and apprehension – Partner overprotectiveness

Quantitative Study

ICD acceptance, shock anxiety, professional support [31]

PTSD, shock anxiety, professional support [32]

Anxiety, social support [21]

Social support [24]

Identifying Learning Needs

Qualitative Study

Empowerment – Informational and tangible professional support

Seeking advice, making decisions

Achieving adherence to driving restrictions – Information needs

Patients’ experiences relating to receiving information/counselling from healthcare providers

A need for information and sexual counselling – Provider relationships, Educational approaches & information for sexual counselling

Developing Coping Strategies

Qualitative Study

Searching for meaning

Incorporating uncertainty in daily life – Distracting oneself & re-evaluating life

A cautious transition to a new normal – Strategies to manage life with an ICD: Be positive and live life to the fullest

Living with an ICD is living while… developing strategies

Living with an ICD is living while… transformed

Developing strategies to adapt to changes arising in all areas of the recipient’s life

Bewilderment stemming from arrhythmia and ICD implant – Dissatisfaction with unforeseen results of ICD

Feel transformed

Giving meaning to living with arrhythmia & ICD – Giving meaning to one’s illness & recognition of one’s disease

Getting on with life – Positive interpreting

Coping with the ICD

Quantitative Study

QOL, anxiety, depression, coping strategies [28]

Spiritual well-being, anxiety, depression [22]

Making Adjustments & Gaining Acceptance

Qualitative Study

Adaptability – Handling restlessness, tackling restrictions, & managing daily living

A piece of cake: I do more than before

Catch 22: I’d rather not have it

Maintaining structure & routine as a way to maintain sense of self

Incorporating uncertainty in daily life – Restricting activities

Incorporating uncertainty in daily life – Accepting being an ICD recipient

Achieving adherence to driving restrictions – Individual interpretations & Willingness to adapt

Altered views on driving – Influence on driving behaviour & Future perspectives

Experiences in the regular activities of daily life

A cautious transition to a new normal – Caution, awareness and security: Daily life with an ICD

A cautious transition to a new normal – Childbearing: Passing my disease to my children & financial concerns

Reconstructing the unpredictability of living with an ICD – Losing control (Reduced physical activity)

Reconstructing the unpredictability of living with an ICD – Regaining control (Being normal)

Living with an ICD is living while… accepting the change

Accepting changes

Facing reality of arrhythmia, the ICD, and being able to continue life – Confirming and managing lifestyle activities & facing reality of the ICD and being able to continue life

Varying interests and pattern of sexual activity

Getting on with life Lifestyle changes – Resuming normal activities, not thinking about ICD, lifestyle changes & risk taking

Physical consequences

Quantitative Study

QOL physical health score [45]

QOL physical component [13]

QOL physical functioning for men versus women [33]

QOL physical and social functioning subscale, anxiety, depression for men versus women [39]

QOL physical functioning [35]

Planning for the End

Qualitative Study

Being part of an uncertain illness trajectory – Standing at a crossroads & progressing from one phase to another

The physician is an authority – Feeling fine knowing nothing & criminal act to deactivate the ICD or refuse ICD replacement

Quantitative Study

ICD deactivation [34, 49, 50]

ICD deactivation knowledge [29]

  1. QOL quality of life, ICD implantable cardioverter defibrillator