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Table 1 Description of EQ-5D-UK, EQ-5D-SW and GHQ-12 (Total sample, n = 32,548)

From: Assessing outcomes for cost-utility analysis in mental health interventions: mapping mental health specific outcome measure GHQ-12 onto EQ-5D-3L

EQ-5D-UK: Possible values: −0.59 (poorest health) to 1 (best health)

Missing: 8.0 % (n = 2602)

 Mean (SD)

0.80 (0.22)

 Median (range)

0.80 (−0.59 to 1)

 % Floor (−0.59)

0.03 % (n = 10)

 % Ceiling (1)

33.4 % (n = 10,003)

EQ-5D-SW: Possible values: 0.34 (poorest health) to 0.97 (best health)

Missing: 8.0 % (n = 2602)

 Mean (SD)

0.90 (0.09)

 Median (range)

0.93 (0.34–0.97)

 % Floor

0.03 % (n = 11)

 % Ceiling

33.4 % (n = 10,002)

GHQ-12: Possible values: 12 (poorest health) to 0 (best health)

Missing: 3.1 % (n = 1008)

 Mean (SD)

1.10 (2.42)

 Median (range)

0 (0 to 12)

 % Floor (12)

0.9 % (n = 290)

 % Ceiling (0)

71.2 % (n = 22,448)