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Table 2 Mean values, SD and range of, General Self-efficacy Scale, Interpersonal Support Evaluation List, Impact of Event Scale and SF-36 physical and mental HRQoL (n = 196)

From: Association between general self-efficacy, social support, cancer-related stress and physical health-related quality of life: a path model study in patients with neuroendocrine tumors


Mean (SD, range)

N (%)

General Self-efficacy Scale

29.9 (5.5, 10–40)


 Low (≤30)


109 (55.6)

 High (≥ 30)


83 (42.3)

 (missing = 4)

Interpersonal Support Evaluation List

3.1 (0.5, 1.7–3.9)


 Low (≤ 2)


4 (3.6)

 High (≥ 2)


112 (55)

 (missing = 84)



Impact of Event Scale

24 (16, 0–74)


 Mild ≤ 8


37 (18.9)

 Moderate 9–43


130 (66.3)

 (missing = 5)


 Physical HRQoL (missing = 15)

39.6 (11, 10–59)


 Mental HRQoL (missing = 15)

45.9 (11, 15–66)

  1. Abbreviations: SD standard deviation, HRQoL health related quality of life