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Table 5 Spearman’s correlations of NEI VFQ 25 subscales with visual acuity and visual field

From: Validation and cross-cultural adaptation of the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI VFQ-25) in Serbian patients

NEI VFQ 25 subscales

BCVA better eye correlation (p-value)

BCVA worse eye correlation (p-value)

MD better eye correlation (p-value)

MD worse eye correlation (p-value)

General health

0.158 (0.107)

0.145 (0.139)

−0.340 (0.279)

−0.235 (0.463)

General vision

0.432** (<0.001)

0.329** (0.001)

−0.293 (0.356)

−0.454 (0.138)

Ocular pain

0.100 (0.313)

0.104 (0.290)

−0.674* (0.016)

−0.395 (0.203)

Near activities

0.578** (<0.001)

0.367** (<0.001)

−0.226 (0.480)

−0.241 (0.451)

Distant activities

0.712** (<0.001)

0.476** (<0.001)

−0.267 (0.402)

−0.547 (0.066)

Social functioning

0.514** (<0.001)

0.275* (0.005)

−0.543 (0.068)

−0.364 (0.245)

Mental health

0.250* (0.010)

0.202* (0.039)

−0.430 (0.163)

−0.200 (0.532)

Role difficulties

0.535** (<0.001)

0.267* (0.006)

−0.515 (0.087)

−0.498 (0.099)


0.328** (<0.001)

0.238* (0.014)

−0.472 (0.122)

−0.427 (0.167)


0.502** (0.001)

0.260 (0.088)

1.000** (<0.001)

−0.500 (0.667)

Color vision

0.319** (0.001)

0.078 (0.429)

−0.865** (<0.001)

− 0.847** (0.001)

Peripheral vision

0.370** (<0.001)

0.388** (<0.001)

−0.342 (0.276)

−0.555 (0.061)

Composite score

0.598** (<0.001)

0.384** (<0.001)

0.529 (0.077)

0.535 (0.073)

  1. *Significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
  2. **Significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
  3. Italic characters indicate statistical significant correlation coefficient of 0.4 or greater
  4. MD mean defect (only glaucoma patients)