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Table 1 Checklist of items to include when reporting a mapping study

From: Preferred reporting items for studies mapping onto preference-based outcome measures: The MAPS statement


Item number


Reported on page number/line number

Title and abstract



Identify the report as a study mapping between outcome measures. State the source measure(s) and generic, preference-based target measure(s) used in the study.




Provide a structured abstract including, as applicable: objectives; methods, including data sources and their key characteristics, outcome measures used and estimation and validation strategies; results, including indicators of model performance; conclusions; and implications of key findings.



 Study rationale


Describe the rationale for the mapping study in the context of the broader evidence base.


 Study objective


Specify the research question with reference to the source and target measures used and the disease or population context of the study.




 Estimation sample


Describe how the estimation sample was identified, why it was selected, the methods of recruitment and data collection, and its location(s) or setting(s).


 External validation sample


If an external validation sample was used, the rationale for selection, the methods of recruitment and data collection, and its location(s) or setting(s) should be described.


 Source and target measures


Describe the source and target measures and the methods by which they were applied in the mapping study.


 Exploratory data analysis


Describe the methods used to assess the degree of conceptual overlap between the source and target measures.


 Missing data


State how much data were missing and how missing data were handled in the sample(s) used for the analyses.


 Modelling approaches


Describe and justify the statistical model(s) used to develop the mapping algorithm.


 Estimation of predicted scores or utilities


Describe how predicted scores or utilities are estimated for each model specification.


 Validation methods


Describe and justify the methods used to validate the mapping algorithm.


 Measures of model performance


State and justify the measure(s) of model performance that determine the choice of the preferred model(s) and describe how these measures were estimated and applied.



 Final sample size(s)


State the size of the estimation sample and any validation sample(s) used in the analyses (including both number of individuals and number of observations).


 Descriptive information


Describe the characteristics of individuals in the sample(s) (or refer back to previous publications giving such information). Provide summary scores for source and target measures, and summarise results of analyses used to assess overlap between the source and target measures.


 Model selection


State which model(s) is(are) preferred and justify why this(these) model(s) was(were) chosen.


 Model coefficients


Provide all model coefficients and standard errors for the selected model(s). Provide clear guidance on how a user can calculate utility scores based on the outputs of the selected model(s).




Report information that enables users to estimate standard errors around mean utility predictions and individual-level variability.


 Model performance and face validity


Present results of model performance, such as measures of prediction accuracy and fit statistics for the selected model(s) in a table or in the text. Provide an assessment of face validity of the selected model(s).



 Comparisons with previous studies


Report details of previously published studies developing mapping algorithms between the same source and target measures and describe differences between the algorithms, in terms of model performance, predictions and coefficients, if applicable.


 Study limitations


Outline the potential limitations of the mapping algorithm.


 Scope of applications


Outline the clinical and research settings in which the mapping algorithm could be used.



 Additional information


Describe the source(s) of funding and non-monetary support for the study, and the role of the funder(s) in its design, conduct and report. Report any conflicts of interest surrounding the roles of authors and funders.
