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Table 6 Bank of 46 items in the final Stroke-PROM

From: Development and validation of a patient-reported outcome measure for stroke patients



PHD1. Have you felt numbness in your lips or limbs?

PSD4. Do you worry about your condition getting worse?

PHD2. Have you felt any limb abnormalities (such as a burning sensation)?

PSD5. Have you felt upset?

PHD3. Have you felt limb weakness on just the sick side of your body?

PSD6. Have you felt depressed and passionless?

PHD4. Have you had facial paralysis on one side, and saliva dripping from your mouth?

PSD7. Have you felt frustrated, pessimistic, or in despair about your illness?

PHD5. Have you had difficulty swallowing?

PSD8. Have you felt uninterested in things and people around you?

PHD6. Have you experienced gagging while eating or drinking?

PSD9. Do you consider yourself a burden on your family?

PHD7. Do your hands tremble when you reach for or pick up things?

PSD10. Have you felt hopeless?

PHD8. Do you find it very difficult to focus on one thing?

PSD11. Do you not want to associate with others?

PHD9. Do you have trouble remembering the date?

PSD12. Do you come up with excuses to avoid social activities?

PHD10. When you see an object suddenly, do you struggle to bring its name to mind?

PSD13. When others talk about your disease, do you prefer not to discuss it?

PHD11. Do you have difficulty speaking (such as stammering, unclear enunciation, or pauses)?

PSD14. Have you felt unconfident?

PHD 12. Do you need to repeat yourself to others so that they can understand what you mean?

SOD1. Has your illness affected your family life?

PHD13. Do you remember what happened two days ago?

SOD2. Have you reduced contact with your acquaintances and friends due to your illness?

PHD14. Can you understand what others are saying?

SOD3. Have you avoided some social or family activities due to your illness?

PHD15. Can you recall your children’s or parents’ names?

SOD4. Is your family taking care of your daily life needs?

PHD16. Can you twist a door handle to open the door by yourself?

SOD5. Have your relatives and friends expressed concern about your condition?

PHD17. Can you take care of your own daily needs (such as dressing and bathing)?

SOD6. Has your family reminded you to take your medicine?

PHD18. Can you purchase your daily necessities alone (for example, by going shopping)?

SOD7. Does your family understand you?

PHD19. Can you walk up and down stairs alone?

THD1. Are you satisfied with the current effects of your treatment?

PHD20. Can you do light housework (such as making your bed)?

THD2. Are you satisfied with the medical treatment service you receive?

PSD1. Are you more prone to worry since your illness?

THD3. Has treatment at this stage had the effect of reducing your symptoms?

PSD2. Do you struggle to be patient with others?

THD4. Would you like to continue to maintain your current treatment schedule?

PSD3. Do you often feel nervous?

THD5. Has your overall confidence improved since you have been receiving treatment?

  1. Note: PHD, physical domain; PSD, psychological domain; SOD, social domain; THD, therapeutic domain.