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Table 4 Mean, SD, number of items, observed range, Cronbach's α, and F-values of the SF20 scales observed in the present study and among patients and healthy controls in a comparison study (means with equal upper case superscripts are not significantly different).

From: The psychological burden of an initially unexplained illness: patients with sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis before and after delayed diagnosis


(# of items; observed range; α)

SCCH patients

n = 52

Pituitary disease

ANOVA F-value;

df= 2, 221


Patients c

n = 86

Controls c

n = 86


Physical functioninga

(6; 6 - 12; .673)

8.44A ± 1.58

26.6B ± 3.7

28.6C ± 2.1

983.36 **

Role functioninga

(2; 2 - 4; .766)

2.46A ± .75

2.8A ± 1.5

3.7B ± .7

25.237 **

Social functioninga

(1; 1 - 6; --)

4.33A ± 1.21

4.8A ± 1.7

5.7B ± .7

20.948 **

Mental healtha

(5; 5 - 30; .933)

21.61A ± 5.13

22.8A, B ± 5.9

24.6B ± 3.6


Health perceptionsa

(5; 5 - 30; .745)

14.08A ± 3.91

19.6B ± 4.3

22.8C ± 2.4

95.857 **


(1; 1 - 5; --)

3.63A ± 1.27

2.1B ± 1.2

1.7C ±.8


  1. aHigher values indicate better functioning and health. b Higher values indicate more pain. cSonino et al. [45], the data of the Sonino et al. study were transformed to make them comparable to the means of the SCCH study. * p < .002. ** p < .00001.