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Table 2 PSSCAN means (and SD) for anxiety and depressive symptoms in four comparison samples, and effect size d for the differences of all paired sample comparisons

From: The Psychosocial Screen for Cancer (PSSCAN): Further validation and normative data


Sample 1 Cancer Out-patients, N = 570

Sample 2 Cancer In-patients N = 78

Sample 3 Community sample with chronic illness N = 85

Sample 4 Healthy Community sample N = 561


8.2 (4.2)

10.9 (5.1)

10.2 (4.9)

7.7 (3.3)


1 vs 2: d = -.57*

2 vs 3: d = .14

3 vs 4: d = .81*


1 vs 3: d = -.43*

2 vs 4: d = .76*


1 vs 4: d = .10



8.2 (5.1)

9.8 (4.6)

9.4 (4.9)

7.2 (2.7)


1 vs 2: d = -.33*

2 vs 3: d = .08

3 vs 4: d = .58*


1 vs 3: d = -.24*

2 vs 4: d = .70*


1 vs 4: d = .26*

  1. * = p < .01 on t-test