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Table 1 Standardized descriptions used to characterize health states for hypoglycaemia.

From: Utility values for symptomatic non-severe hypoglycaemia elicited from persons with and without diabetes in Canada and the United Kingdom

Health State


Baseline Diabetes

I have an illness called diabetes which means that my body cannot keep my blood sugar at a constant level

To control this I have to keep to a special diet and be careful about eating regularly

I have to inject myself with medication (insulin) on a daily basis, this was difficult at first but I am now used to this and it is not painful

I also need to check my blood sugar from time to time, this can hurt a bit

I don't have any problems looking after myself

I do have to plan my time more than I used to so I know when I am going to eat and exercise

I am anxious about the future because I know that diabetes makes me more at risk for other illnesses such as heart disease

Rare (quarterly)

If my blood sugar becomes low I may feel shaky, dizzy and sweaty

I may also get hungry, feel sick and get a headache.

This only happens to me 3 to 4 times per year

To treat this I may eat more to keep my blood sugar high enough.

I rarely worry about being criticized for having my low blood sugar level interfere with important tasks and about becoming too emotional.

I rarely worry about being able to recognize and control my low blood sugar or acting in an embarrassing way in public, such as appearing drunk and acting aggressively.

I am aware of my low blood sugar when I am travelling, driving or in social engagements.

I rarely worry about the symptoms of low blood sugar affecting my driving skills or causing injury to myself or others.

I sometimes limit the amount of exercise I do.

I rarely take measures to ensure I have others with me or checking on me during the day or night.

Intermittent (monthly)

If my blood sugar becomes low I feel shaky, dizzy and sweaty

I also get hungry, feel sick and get headaches.

This happens to me about once a month.

To avoid this I have to keep to my diet and I sometimes measure my blood sugar to check I am OK.

I often eat more to keep my blood sugar high in social situations or when doing important tasks.

I sometimes worry about being criticized for having my low blood sugar level interfere with important tasks and sometimes worry about becoming too emotional.

I often worry about the symptoms of low blood sugar affecting my driving skills and sometimes worry about causing injury to myself or others.

I occasionally limit my travelling, driving or social engagements and I sometimes limit the amount of exercise I do.

I sometimes take measures to ensure I have others with me or checking on me during the day or night.

Frequent (weekly)

If my blood sugar becomes low I feel shaky, dizzy and sweaty

I also get hungry, feel sick and get headaches

This happens to me on a weekly basis

To avoid this I am very careful about keeping to my diet and I often measure my blood sugar to check I am OK.

I often keep my blood sugar high in social situations or when doing important tasks.

I always worry about having my low blood sugar level interfere with important tasks and being criticized for it.

I always worry about being criticized for having my low blood sugar level interfere with important tasks and sometimes worry about becoming too emotional.

If often worry that if my blood sugar gets very low I may become unconscious

I often worry about the symptoms of low blood sugar affecting my driving skills or causing injury to myself or others.

I always limit my travelling, driving or social engagements and I sometimes limit the amount of exercise I do.

I sometimes avoid sex because of the risk of low blood sugar

I often take measures to ensure I have others with me or checking on me during the day or night.