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Table 2 Changes in Self Efficacy Across Treatment Conditions*

From: Enhancing quality of life in older adults: A comparison of muscular strength and power training


Baseline: M ± SD

Post-Test: M ± SD

ΔScores: Raw (Adjusted M ± SE)


25.07 ± 17.67

34.46 ± 19.88

9.39 (10.59 ± 6.14)1


24.53 ± 14.68

65.00 ± 24.31

40.47 (41.41 ± 7.01)2,a


25.07 ± 17.53

72.16 ± 22.58

47.09 (47.17 ± 6.43)2,a

  1. ST = Strength Training, PT = Power Training
  2. * = Baseline adjusted means in the last column not sharing a common superscript differ at the p < .05 level using a Bonferroni post hoc adjustment.
  3. a = significant within group change at p < .05 (paired t-test)