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Table 2 Reported domains of life affected by intimate partner violence

From: Measuring the effect of intimate partner violence on health-related quality of life: a qualitative focus group study

Physical Functioning

   E.g., headaches, insomnia, vomiting, fatigue/lethargy, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, addiction relapse

Emotional and psychological functioning

   E.g., crying, sadness, anger, aggression, loneliness, worry and anxiety, depression, fear, helplessness and powerlessness, resignation, confusion, shame, embarrassment, stress, paranoia, flashbacks and nightmares.

Social functioning

   E.g., isolation from friends, family, religious groups; ostracization by family, friends and church; lack of confidence in police and service providers; inability to work (due to interference by abuser or from poor health).

Children's functioning

   E.g., aggression, anger, fighting; self-destructive behavior; nail biting; stuttering; gambling; substance abuse; poor school performance.