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Table 2 A continuum exists between MCI and MEI measurement models.

From: Extending basic principles of measurement models to the design and validation of Patient Reported Outcomes

Causal Indicator Model

Model Characteristic

Effect Indicator Model

Item content assesses any cause of the measurement construct that is relevant to a (sub)group of respondents

Content Relevance

Item content assesses the effects of the measurement construct that is relevant to all or most respondents

Item content tends to be specific (high fidelity)

Content Specificity

Content may be either specific or general

Item ratings exhibit statistical independence and contribute unique predictive power

Association between Item Ratings

Item ratings are highly correlated, canceling random measurement error

Item ratings are skewed due to differential content relevance across respondents

Item Score Distributions

Item ratings are normally distributed due to common relevance of item content

Multivariate regression, cluster, and discriminant analyses against a criterion estimate (of the latent construct)

Construct Validity Statistics

Factor and IRT analyses of item covariance or response probability patterns