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Table 1 Means and standard deviations of demographic and disease variables

From: Response shift and glycemic control in children with diabetes


Year 1 n = 38 Mean (SD)

Year 2 n = 15 Mean (SD)

Sex % (n)



39.5 (15)

46.7 (7)


60.5 (23)

53.3 (8)


11.9 (1.8)

12.3 (1.5)

Age at diagnosis

6.2 (3.6)

6.3 (3.5)

Years since diagnosis

5.8 (3.2)

6.3 (3.6)

Most recent HbA1c

8.2 (1.2)

8.1 (1.5)

# Injections/day

3.3 (1.1)

3.3 (1.2)

# Children on CSII % (n)

24 (9)

20 (3)

Diabetes sick days from school in last year

5.7 (10.1)

5.7 (15.1)

Diabetes hospitalizations in last year

0.32 (1.1)

0.13 (0.5)

DKA episodes in last year

0.95 (2.4)

0.4 (1.1)

Hypoglycemic episodes in last month

5.9 (6.2)

4.3 (3.2)

Years at camp

2.7 (1.6)

3.3 (1.9)

# of Siblings

1.5 (1.0)

1.2 (0.7)

Parent education (in years)

14.6 (2.4)

15.5 (2.4)

Parent marital status % (n)


   Single/separated/divorced & living alone

18.4 (8)

20.0 (3)

   Single/separted/divorced & cohabitating

5.3 (2)

0 (0)


73.7 (28)

80.0 (12)

School performance % (n)


   Very poorly

2.6 (1)

6.7 (1)


10.5 (4)

6.7 (1)


13.1 (5)

6.7 (1)


15.8 (6)

26.7 (4)

   Very well

57.9 (22)

53.3 (8)