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Table 1 Patients' characteristics

From: Subjective impact of osteoarthritis flare-ups on patients' quality of life

Gender (F/M)


Age (years, mean ± SD)

64.4 ± 10.3

Marital status:


Single, n (%)

72 (5.4)

Married, n (%)

922 (69.7)

Widowed, n (%)

220 (16.6)

Separated/divorced, n (%)

13 (1.0)

Missing, n(%)

96 (7.3)

Educational level:


Primary school, n (%)

548 (41.4)

Junior high school, n (%)

325 (24.6)

Senior high school, n (%)

280 (21.2)

Degree/Master/PhD, n (%)

103 (7.7)

Missing, n(%)

67 (5.1)

Employment status:


Employed, n (%)

434 (32.8)

Retired, n (%)

550 (41.6)

Housewife, n (%)

288 (21.8)

Missing, n (%)

51 (3.8)

Body weight (kg, mean ± SD)

73.4 ± 11.0

OA localization:


Knee, n (%)

658 (49.7)

Hip, n (%)

463 (35.1)

Knee + hip, n (%)

202 (15.2)

VAS Present Pain (mm, mean ± SD)

67.7 ± 17.0

Concomitant diseases, n (%)

632 (47.8)

Concomitant treatments, n (%)

444 (33.6)