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Table 5 Differences in comparable domains in the NHP and the SF-36 between claudicants and patients with critical ischaemia before revascularization.

From: A comparison of the Nottingham Health Profile and Short Form 36 Health Survey in patients with chronic lower limb ischaemia in a longitudinal perspective


Claudicants n = 48

Critical ischaemia n = 42


NHP* Md (q1,q3)


29.9 (27.2–48.5)

54.2 (28.8–84.2)


Physical mobility

30.8 (10.3–50.2)

47.3 (20.6–66.7)


Emotional reactions

11.4 (0.0–39.3)

10.0 (0.0–25.2)



60.5 (0.0–100)

47.0 (0.0–100)


Social isolation

0.0 (0.0–24.2)

0.0 (0.0–25.1)


SF-36** Md (q1,q3)

Bodily pain

36.5 (22.0–42.0)

31.0 (22.0–41.0)


Physical functioning

25.0 (15.0–40.0)

25.0 (15.0–45.0)


Mental health

68.0 (56.0–88.0)

68.0 (51.0–77.0)



45.0 (31.2–60.0)

45.0 (20.0–60.0)


Social functioning

68.7 (50.0–87.5)

62.5 (50.0–78.1)


  1. *A higher score (100) indicates more perceived problems. ** A higher score (100) indicates fewer perceived problems. a P-value, claudicants versus critical ischaemia patients before revascularization. Tested by Mann-Whitney U- test. p-value = <0.05