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Table 1 Overview of yoga poses

From: A pilot study of yoga as self-care for arthritis in minority communities



Yoga poses

Laying foundation:


Classes 1-2


Upper body stretches, staff with leg lifts

Sun Salutations (one side):

Forward fold, mountain (two sides for class 2)

Standing poses:

Tree, warrior II

Sitting poses:

Head to knee, spinal twist, yogic seal


Sivasana, tense and release, progressive body scan


Side lying, cross-legged

Class 3

Discussion of balance poses

Tree, king dancer

Classes 4-5

Arm balancing and reclining poses

Inverted plank, (lying) extended leg pose, (lying) spinal twist

Classes 6-7

Arm/leg extensions and hip openers

Table and cat/cow-extend arm & opposite leg, downward facing dog-extending one leg, bridge with leg extension, butterfly

Classes 8-9

Intro to gentle back bends

Sphinx, locust, bow, camel

Classes 9-10

Stamina building

Four sun salutations

Class 11


Poses for sciatica

Class 12


Pose modifications using the wall

Class 13


Restorative poses

Classes 14-16


Review, practice, wrap up