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Table 1 Number of items and content of the AQLQ-J and the AQLQ-S

From: Validity of two common asthma-specific quality of life questionnaires: Juniper mini asthma quality of life questionnaire and Sydney asthma quality of life questionnaire


Number of items


AQLQ-J symptoms


Feeling short of breath as a result of asthma, feeling bothered by coughing, experiencing a feeling of chest tightness or chest heaviness, having difficulty getting a good night’s sleep as a result of asthma, experiencing a wheeze in the chest

AQLQ-S breathlessness


Having been troubled by episodes of shortness of breath, having been troubled by wheezing attacks, having been troubled by tightness in the chest, having been restricted in walking down the streets or level ground or doing light housework because of asthma, having been restricted in walking up hills or doing heavy housework because of asthma

AQLQ-J environment


Feeling bothered by or having to avoid dust in the environment, feeling bothered by or having to avoid cigarette smoke in the environment, feeling bothered or having to avoid going outside because of weather or air pollution

AQLQ-S concerns


Having been worried about asthma shortening the life, having felt dependent on asthma sprays, having been worried about present or future life because of asthma

AQLQ-J emotions


Feeling frustrated as a result of asthma, feeling afraid of not having asthma medication available, feeling concerned about having asthma

AQLQ-S mood


Having felt tired or a general lack of energy, having been unable to sleep at night, having felt sad or depressed, having felt frustrated with oneself, having felt anxious, under tension or stressed

AQLQ-J activities


Having been limited in doing strenuous activities (such as hurrying, exercising, running up chairs, sports) as a result of asthma, having been limited in doing moderate activities (such as walking, housework, gardening, shopping, climbing stairs) as a result of asthma, having been limited in doing social activities (such as talking, playing with pets/children, visiting friends/relatives), having been limited in doing work-related activities* (tasks you have to do at work)

AQLQ-S social


Having felt that asthma is preventing one from achieving what one wants in life, asthma having interfered with one’s social life, having been limited in going to certain places because they are bad for one’s asthma, having been limited in going to certain places because of having been afraid if getting an asthma attack and not being able to get help, having felt generally restricted, having been restricted in the sports, hobbies, or other recreations one can engage in because of one’s asthma, having felt asthma is controlling one’s life

  1. *these should be activities which one has to do most days if not employed or self-employed.