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Table 1 Summary of Consultation Focus Groups: comments on draft questionnaire

From: Developing a new self-reported scale of oral health outcomes for 5-year-old children (SOHO-5)

Questionnaire characteristics



“Appropriate questions”

“All main issues covered”



Concept of time

“They have no concept of time at all”

“… they don’t know what 7 days is. Maybe a calendar type thing, like Easter, may be useful”

“ comprehension of 4 weeks”


“We don’t use the word “pain” or “ache”. I would say either “hurt” or “sore” instead”

“My children don’t take “hot drinks”. Milk is warm but never hot”


“The smiley faces is a good system. They also use them in the nursery. Simpler faces are ok; 5 faces may be too much for a 5-year-old”

“Need to remind them it is about their teeth”